TMI-USA Advantages
Why use TMI-USA Dataloggers? There are many reasons! See why TMI-USA has become the standard for many industries and service providers.

No Wires or Thermocouples!
Significant setup time is saved when you don’t have to string wires. Simply program the loggers and place them. You’re ready to run in under 5 minutes! And because we use platinum RTDs, you don’t need to calibrate before and after every test!

Most customers report years of repair-free service.

Battery Life
Our loggers have an exceptional battery life and our batteries don’t require “conditioning”. Many customers get years of service out of the same battery. Typical is 8 months to over a year with daily use.

Fast, Reliable Communication
TMI-USA’s loggers use a highly reliable connector that always provides a positive connection. Data transfer is incredibly fast. Our largest memory, when completely full, takes only seconds to transfer.

Memory Size
Our loggers have large memory - Currently 48,000 time-stamped values for the NanoVACQ. Even with multiple sensors or smaller loggers, the memory never falls below 16,000.

Logger Size
We have the smallest Pressure and Temperature logger on the market. Check out the PicoVACQ.

More Choices
With so many different logger shapes and models, a better fit for your application is certain.

Customized Designs
Adding to choices already available, TMI-USA can customize a system to your specifications. Just call or Email to discuss your specific application.

Program Multiple loggers Simultaneously
The Multi-Logger Interface programs & reads up 6 loggers at once. Connect together as many Multi-Interfaces as required UP TO 96 LOGGER CAPABILITY!

No Obsolescence!
Every product sold in the past decade is still supported in current software. All products are still calibrated and repaired.



TMI-USA • 1-888-819-9474 •