Designed specifically for the beverage industry, the Drink VACQ not only stores 16,000 acquisitions, it displays on an LED readout current pasteurization units and maximum temperature. It is available with a wide variety of configurations and positioning accessories. See Beverage Applications for more information.

Memory: Non-volatile, 16,000 acquisition capacity.
Accuracy: +/- 0.163° F (+/- 0.09 C)
Range: 14 to 176° F (-10 to 80C)
Display: Temperature in C or F & Pasteurization Units
Dimensions: 2.4” high x 2.165” diameter (not including probe)

Basic Models
DrinkVACQ-1Tc Comes with one rigid temperature probe, length according to customer specification

DrinkVACQ-1T-Tc Comes with one rigid temperature probe, length according to customer specification, and one internal temperature sensor to record conditions outside the container.

DrinkVACQ-1Td Comes with one flexible temperature probe, length according to customer specification.

DrinkVACQ-1T-Tc Comes with one flexible temperature probe, length according to customer specification, and one internal temperature sensor to record conditions outside the container.


TMI-USA • 1-888-819-9474 • info@temflexcontrols.com